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Cindy Dole

The Power of Paint Color

The 2017 Colors You Need To Sell a Home for More

Chances are if you are planning to sell your home, you are thinking about adding a fresh coat of paint to your home, both inside and outside. If not, odds are your realtor will also make that recommendation because it makes the home look new again and says to the buyer, “pick me!”

Before you stock up and think you’ll paint it black, or white, or some other color, new research shows that light blue, light gray and taupe will mean more green and get your home to sell for thousands of dollars more than you expected.

Zillow did a recent study and analyzed more than 32,000 homes sold across the country. They looked at the online home photos to see how the color of paint may have made a difference. The results were remarkable as they discovered homes with rooms in light blue gray walls sold for $5,440 more than the asking price! But there are a few other paint color preferences for a home to sell at top dollar.

Here are the color shades that are the most powerful right now when it comes to selling your home.

The Bathroom – Think light blue and definitely not white. Light blue bathrooms can add $5,440 to the sale of your home. Gray and oatmeal also do well. But make sure to avoid white for the bathroom. It could cost you a $4,000 loss in that room alone.


The Kitchen - Last year the “it” color was yellow for the kitchen. Now it is light blue and it can add another $1,800 dollars to the home sale. On the other hand, yellow right now in the kitchen this year can cost you $820 on average.

Credit: Artazum/Shutterstock

Bedrooms – Lose the pink and paint it cadet blue or light sky blue to bring in $1,800 more.

Credit: Worlwide/Shutterstock

Dining Rooms – Forget the brick red, terracotta, or copper red walls and switch it to slate blue, gray blue or even navy with a pop of white shiplap. It will boost your home value by $1926!

Living Room – This is the one room where blue isn’t a slam dunk on the walls. Instead consider more neutrals like light beige, pale taupe, or oatmeal to bring in $1900 more for your home. Blue paint from pastel blue to periwinkle in this space could cost you $820.

Credit: Artazum/Shutterstock

That’s the inside, what about the home exterior?

Home Exterior - Most popular now for the overall home exterior is a mix of gray and beige adding another $1500 to the sale.

Credit: Lindasj22/Shutterstock

Front Door - Go for Navy, to Dark Gray or charcoal. This choice will add another $1500 dollars to the home sale price!

Keep in mind, color trends come and go. This same study done in 2016 had values going up when the kitchen was painted yellow, the dining room purple, bedroom in light green khaki, and bathroom in oatmeal or neutral. Times and color preferences certainly do change so stay up to date on what kind of colors are touching our emotions!

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